this sign made me feel . . . awesome
don’t cry
“The only way to get through life is to laugh your way through it. You either have to laugh or cry. I prefer to laugh. Crying gives me a headache.”
–Marjorie Pay Hinckley
Yay! I’ve been asked to speak at ANOTHER writing conference. This one is the League of Utah Writers spring workshop, where I’ll be talking about the basics of writing. It’s the end of March in Bountiful.
Scary! Exciting!
I’m sad because I found out I’m disqualified from entering the LDS Storymakers 1st Chapter contest. I flunked the drug test.
No, actually, there’s a rule I didn’t notice before: if you have a published book–or even a signed contract for one–you are ineligible. Even if said contract won’t be used until the Millenium. I’m sad because I was really looking forward to new eyeballs on my first chapter…that oh, so critical first chapter that must charm the agents I send it to, and charm them quick.
Many of my writing cronies are entering so I feel sort of left out. Odd, no one will feel sorry for me. Meanies.
Instead, I’ve been preparing the So-Called Novel for a different contest, one that has a 150,000 word cap. I’ve been whittling on it all day, and have about 500 or so words to go. Ouch.
sorta not because of my writing skills but…
I just got a phone call asking me to be one of the speakers at the American Fork writing conference in April. Yay! I’ve always wanted to do this! Except! Now I’m scared!
I’m supposed to speak on blogging and self-promotion. Well, the blogging part I know. And as for tooting my own horn–I suppose I’m doing a bit of that right now. **snicker