perfect hard boiled eggs
Why mention that topic on my writing site? Because I just had an article about it published in the Deseret News.
Eggs, my friends, eggs.
Seems like a lot of stuff going on with the paper lately, but it’s sort of just chance and the way their schedule works. I don’t write for them that often…maybe once or twice a month. It’s especially difficult to get review jobs from them now, since they changed their rules to say that I can’t review a book by someone I know personally. Or, whose publisher is the same as mine (Covenant) or is even a partner of (like Deseret Book.) So that eliminates many, many review possibilities I would have loved to take.
Still, it’s a lot of fun and great experience. Plus the rush of seeing my byline. **swoon
fake journalist
Yay! My book review of a Michael Jackson bio is on the front page of the Deseret News arts section today.
book review: A Woman’s Power
Today I have the privilege of reviewing A Woman’s Power: Threads that Bind us to God by Fay Klingler, published by Cedar Fort. Here’s the jacket copy: For any woman who’s ever felt like she’s hanging on by a single thread, this inspiring book reveals the truth: you’re surrounded by threads of strength and power that can bring you safety, peace, and lasting happiness. All you have to do is grab hold of them. Uplifting and empowering, this book offers women everywhere a message of hope.
The author and my mother are acquainted (in fact, Mom’s endorsement is on the back cover.) So when Fay was looking for reviewers, Mom passed my name along to Fay. I was happy to oblige. I always try to do what my mother asks! 🙂
I enjoyed this book very much. I’m not much of a nonfiction reader, because I’m drawn to a great story. But Fay has packed her book with real-life examples, both from her own life and those of others. So great stories abound here.
There’s something about reading someone’s personal experiences that give a book that ring of truth. I especially liked the experience that was told of a woman who was blessed by the laying on of hands by three female angels. There was something about that image that gave me a feeling of peace and security–and a glimpse into “a woman’s power.”
More information can be found on Fay’s website ( and her facebook page ( There is a video currently posted there that you may also enjoy viewing.
Here is my mother’s back cover copy, because I’m so stinking proud: “Fay has accurately captured the essence of our potential as women and has carefully and expertly guided us to discover that power within ourselves.”
Disclaimer: I received a hard back copy of this book for review purposes, but that had no influence on my review.
i’ve got my nose in a book
I’m trying to learn how to keep people’s noses where they belong–in a great book. How can I make my book so interesting, my readers won’t feel like sniffing around for something else?