
I’ve worked on revisions for ever–for so long I hardly remember what it’s like to create something fresh. This week, though, I forced myself to put the revisions aside and work on a new project. At first, all I felt was drained. At first I feared...

but I like my illusions.

Losing an illusion makes you wiser than finding a truth.  ~Ludwig Börne Maybe that’s true, but it still makes me sad. After all, living in a dream world is pretty nice. I remember when I first began writing, I harbored the illusion that I’d be a...

resentment in writing

I’ve tried to keep from being jealous when I hear about others having great success with their writing. I suppose it’s a human trait (how many times have I heard people say “She’s so beautiful–I hate her”) but it makes no logical...

faith not tricks

“Writing is an act of faith, not a trick of grammar.” – E.B. White photo I’m on a writing retreat this week, taking a leap of faith.