let go

I admit it. I’ve got fears upon fears. One that bothers me more than most is that in my busyness, I’ll miss my calling. I’ll miss what I was really meant to do. Joseph Campbell–what a brain. You wrote about the Hero’s Journey for years,...

League of Utah Writers Roundup

What’s Roundup? That, my pretties, is a writing conference. It’s coming up in September, and really, you should go. It’s going to be great. Lots of workshops to pick from, amazing speakers, agents coming in from New York, etc. One session I’m...

Book review–All That Was Promised

Toot! This is the first stop on the virtual blog tour for the new book, All That Was Promised by Vickie Hall.   The moment I took this book from the shipping wrapper, I was impressed. The cover image is beautiful. Decorative embossing adds to the book’s...

the one hundred most beautiful words

Courtesy of Deshoda.com: Ailurophile A cat-lover. Assemblage A gathering. Becoming Attractive. Beleaguer To exhaust with attacks. Brood To think alone. Bucolic In a lovely rural setting. Bungalow A small, cozy cottage. Chatoyant Like a cat’s eye. Comely Attractive....