by Margot | Aug 22, 2011 | reviews
Inklings is the first stop on the virtual book tour for the new book by James M. Conis, The Latter Rain, published by Castle Mountain Press.  I welcomed the chance to read this, as I recognize that I don’t read nearly enough non-fiction, and practically no...
by Margot | Aug 17, 2011 | funny, nuts and bolts
All these writing terms. What do they mean, anyway? shirt Should you learn them all? Think of them as your tool chest. Learn how to “operate” them and keep them sharp and tidy. Then it’s up to you when you pull them out and put to best use. Or not....
by Margot | Aug 8, 2011 | funny
There’s a website you can paste text into that will “analyze” your writing and tell you what famous author you write like. You Write Like This is for one of those hours when you can’t get anything worthwhile written, and you’re wasting...
by Margot | Aug 3, 2011 | the writing process
photo Writers have many decisions to make about perspective. Shall I tell the story from first person point of view? Shall I use a narrator? Which set of eyes should I use to tell my story? Which viewpoint will tell it best? Or will more than one viewpoint shine a...
by Margot | Jul 31, 2011 | reviews
Author Tristi Pinkston is excited to announce the release of the third novel in her Secret Sisters Mysteries series. Titled Hang ‘em High, this novel takes place on a dude ranch in Montana.When Ida Mae’s son invites her to come for a visit, of course she brings...