I saw something on Nathan Bransford’s blog that made me stop and think. (You know, that bigshot agent that sorta looks like Tom Cruise?) He said he often will tell an author that this or that isn’t working, and they’ll reply, “But that’s really how it happened,” or “That’s how people really talk.”
He likens reproducing life as it is to putting a beet on a plate and calling it dinner. Writers must elevate, add spice, make it hot.
What can you do to make your writing hot today?
I agree with you. There are many different way of telling a story, how it is served makes all the difference. It is still a beet, howbeit a much better one. (Although, having gone a a high school where I was a Beet Digger, I must confess I don't think there is a way to serve beets that would make them edible to me!)