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  1. Vincent

    So cute and fun……. Vincent

    • the_damsel

      thanks, Vince!

  2. Jennifer Beckstrand

    I don’t know if you remember me, but your son, Kenny, was friends with my daughter. Anyway, I noticed your book review in the Deseret News and was wondering if you would be willing to do a review of my book for the paper. It is an Amish romance and is coming out May 1 through Summerside Press. As you probably know, Amish romance is quite popular right now in the Christian fiction market.

    I don’t know if this works with your writing schedule, but I would love to visit with you and see what the possibilities are.

    Thanks, and have a great day.


  3. monica

    hi could you explain me what’s mean nuts and bolts about writing??
    it´s like a tools that you need for to write better or what?? please help i don’t understad

    • Margot

      Yes, that’s exactly what I mean. 🙂

  4. Abbey Curtis

    I loved your book The End Begins Sudden Darkness. I was wondering if you are mormon because I am and your book inspired me. It was AMAZING.

    • Margot

      Hi Abby,

      I’m so glad you liked the book! That made my whole day.

      I am a Mormon–and you might like to know that although many things in the book are different from my life, there is plenty that I took from my own youth. I love writing for young people…I’ve just turned in the sequel for this book and hope to have news about when it will be published soon.

      Thanks for writing.
      Margot Hovley

  5. Brad Jardine

    I read your article today about Brad Rock’s new book. Interesting and tantalizing, but I was appalled at you sentence about how Bronco Mendenhall had the players “lay” on the field. That’s horrible grammar. He had them “lie” on the field. Please!

    • Margot

      Yikes! And two separate editors at the DN looked it over as well! Shame on us. I will ask them to fix it.
      Thank you!

  6. Bobbi Winterton

    I just started reading your book, Sudden Darkness, and am not sure I want to continue. There is a paragraph at the bottom of page 31 that baffles me. The Church, itself, does not have the means to take care of people. This is a most unlikely scenario. It’s amazing to me that so many people do not take it seriously to have at least a year’s supply. If there is wide-spread disaster, people will be out of luck if they cannot provide for themselves. Once again, the Church does NOT have the means to take care of everyone. This book does a great disservice to whoever reads it who comes out of it thinking the Church will take care of them. NOT TRUE!!!

    • Margot

      Hi Bobbi,
      Thanks for taking the time to write. I really value your feedback and take it seriously.

      Of course I can’t say how the Church would really handle a situation like this, but I didn’t mean to give the impression that people don’t really need to gather a year’s supply. In fact, I show my family handing over their extensive supply to the Church so that it can be utilized in their unique situation. I do believe that the Church is preparing for a wide-spread disaster, and people will indeed need their own supplies, but the Church will have great resources as well. You probably know they have amazing amounts of storage in place, plus farms, ranches, and all sorts of manufacturing and food processing facilities.

      It’s just my opinion, but the way I picture it is that in a wide-spread disaster, we will use our food storage that we have prepared for ourselves, and that others who through no fault of their own, don’t have what they need, will be helped through the Church’s massive resources. For example, if there was a family who had a year’s supply that was destroyed by an earthquake, I believe they would be helped. My fictional family has a year’s supply, but because of the circumstances, they can’t carry it. On page 38 they take their entire food storage and hand it over to the Church. I am guessing that in some circumstances, people will live on exactly what they themselves have prepared, and in other situations, like this one, they will pool their resources and use it as a group. Once again, just my conjecture.

      I truly hope I haven’t given the impression that people don’t need to prepare and that the Church will just make it all okay. I look forward to any other comments you have.

  7. Megan Isham

    HI Margot, my name is Megan Isham and I am the manager at Seagull Book at Brickyard and I just finished your book The End Begins: Glimmering light.I loved it. I hope there is going to be another one. This series has sucked me right in:)

  8. David M Goodman Sr.

    Hello, you have a pleasing website. Easy on the eyes. I love the tree swing. Could you tell me where you got the Hero’s Journey Template for Scrivener?. You referred to it in your May 2014, post. I’m new to Scrivener and looking for templates. Thank you for your help


    David M Goodman Sr.

  9. David A

    Will there be a vol 3 in The End Begins series? If yes, any idea on time?

    • Margot

      Hi David! Volume 2 is the intended end of the series, but I’m delighted that you are asking about more. I may write a short story about Amelie and Zack’s further adventures some time, but I’m not sure when. Thanks for reading.

      • Karen D Wilkey

        I too, would love to read more about the adventures of Zach and Amelie. How do you see things going on in New Jerusalem. What is happening in the world around the beautiful, spiritual city? That would be a wonderful read if you feel moved upon to do it! Karen

        • Margot

          Thank you so much for your kind words. They mean everything to me!

  10. Cheri

    Hi Margot,

    When will the next volume of “The End Begins” be coming out (hopefully)? Really enjoyed the first two!

    • Margot

      Hi Cheri,

      Volume 2 is the intended end of the series, but I’m delighted that you are asking about more. I may write a short story about Amelie and Zack’s further adventures some time, but I’m not sure when. Thanks for reading. Your comment made my day!

  11. Dianne Strate

    Will there be a Book 3 in “The End Begins” series? Loved books 1 and 2 but just seems like there should be another to wrap things up.

    • Margot

      Thank you so much, Dianne! Volume 2 is the intended end of the series, but I’m delighted that you are asking about more. I may write a short story about Amelie and Zack’s further adventures some time, but I’m not sure when. Thanks for reading. Your comment made my day!


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