I’m thrilled to show you the cover for Glimmering Light, coming out in March from Covenant Communications.

I don’t believe it gives away too much to tell you that the cover depicts Zack Allman. The story features alternating points of view between Amèlie and Zack, so when you look at it this way:









It sort of all makes sense.

My favorite part is the way the designer took a modern day view of a Salt Lake City street and made it desolate. Cool!

Covers for me give me so much anxiety since I don’t get to give input on them. I was ever so nervous to see this cover but the more I look at it, the more it grows on me. Neither of the main characters look quite like I pictured them but I realize that would be pretty much impossible. So I’m excited. It’s happening!

(Inside joke: perhaps there is a red bicycle in that street scene somewhere)