What’s Roundup? That, my pretties, is a writing conference. It’s coming up in September, and really, you should go.
It’s going to be great. Lots of workshops to pick from, amazing speakers, agents coming in from New York, etc. One session I’m especially looking forward to is a “Simulating the Slushpile” panel. (Similar to what some of us saw at LDStorymakers) People will be invited to submit the first couple of paragraphs from a work in progress. These will be read to the panel, who will then raise their hand at the point where they’d stop reading, and say why. This was one of the most enlightening things on writing I’d ever attended, so I’m excited to witness another.
The League moves its conference location every year, and it’s in Logan this year. That may sound far away, but it will be WORTH IT.
Have you heard of Waddie Mitchell? He’s a cowboy poet, and a special guest for the Friday night banquet. He is SO AWESOME…a personal friend…and I cannot wait to hear him.
Get the details at the website: League of Utah Writers